While you may typically see teens and preteens sporting braces and other orthodontic appliances, the ideal age group for orthodontic treatment is actually much younger. Children as young as seven should see the orthodontist for an exam to receive early treatment before issues become severe.
At this age in a child’s life, the oral structures are still developing in early stages and can be more easily manipulated with orthodontic treatment. Because adult teeth are beginning to erupt in place of the primary teeth, it’s easier for our orthodontist to identify any developmental problems in the bite so that they can be addressed in the early stages.
Early treatment for orthodontics is much more conservative, reducing the severity of many issues before teeth start to need braces. This is done by guiding the teeth and jaws into the ideal development for optimal health and functionality. Otherwise, delaying treatment until the jaw is more development and stronger will make treatment more complicated so that it lasts much longer.
To prevent complicated conditions with the bite and tooth alignment, we encourage early orthodontics for children that promote proper development of the teeth and jaws. For more information about early orthodontics in Phoenix, Arizona, contact Arizona Orthodontic Centers at 623-877-8500 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jae Park soon.