If you have braces, it’s very important to keep cavities at bay. That way you can maintain a top-notch oral health and smile while you align your teeth. To help you prevent cavities while you achieve the smile of your dreams, our orthodontist, Dr. Jae Park, is happy to give you some tips. First, brush your teeth regularly. Do so... read more »
Although it’s typically considered better to get braces when you are younger, you can get them at any age! A lot of people don’t know orthodontic treatment is available no matter how old you are as long as you fit the criteria for treatment. With the proper alignment, you can have a much healthier and appealing smile. This will not... read more »
As your son or daughter grows into adolescence, their primary teeth are replaced with permanent teeth. When this happens, it’s possible for multiple teeth to emerge too close to each other, creating misalignment and crowded teeth. If this issue isn’t corrected, it can cause dental fractures, leading to enamel attrition and affecting the proper alignment of the entire bite. In... read more »
Braces can help you achieve the smile of your dreams, but they can also make keeping up on oral hygiene a little difficult. This is tough because oral hygiene is vital if you want a strong oral health and top-notch orthodontic results. So, to make things a little easier, our orthodontist, Dr. Jae Park, would like to give you the... read more »
Orthodontic emergencies happen, even when you’re on vacation, and it’s best to treat the issue and improve the situation as soon as possible. Doing so can help you have a more convenient and relaxing trip. To help you take care of the problem, our orthodontist, Dr. Jae Park, instructs you to take certain steps. The first step is to adjust... read more »
Braces don't just straighten crowded or crooked smiles. They can, in fact, help your smile prevent or assist with a variety of oral health concerns. At the practice of Arizona Orthodontic Centers located in Phoenix, Arizona, we are pleased to work with people to not only beautify their smiles but created a healthier oral environment as well. You see, when... read more »
The progressive tension applied to your teeth during your routine braces adjustments have gradually managed to stretch your periodontal ligaments. Now that this has effectively repositioned your teeth to their correct alignment, Dr. Jae Park can remove your braces. However, there will still be a modest amount of tension in the connective tissues that anchor your teeth in the sockets.... read more »
Malocclusion is defined as crooked teeth or a misaligned bite. If you have malocclusion, Dr. Jae Park may recommend Invisalign® in Phoenix, Arizona, to help you reach a straight smile. Invisalign is a set of aligners that is designed specifically for your smile. They are worn over the teeth for 20 to 22 hours a day to gently straighten the... read more »
Bad oral hygiene is a problem many individuals face, which can lead to many oral health disorders, including tooth decay and gum disease. If you are currently in the process of receiving orthodontic care, bad oral hygiene can even affect the functionality of your treatments, including braces. Here are some tips for overcoming bad oral hygiene with clean braces: -... read more »
Pain in your teeth can often be the result of a variety of oral health disorders. It can be the result of bruxism, which is teeth grinding while you are unconscious or sleeping, a TMJ disorder, which is a disorder of the joints within a jaw, or it may be an actual toothache. A true toothache is a condition caused... read more »