Bad oral hygiene is a problem many individuals face, which can lead to many oral health disorders, including tooth decay and gum disease. If you are currently in the process of receiving orthodontic care, bad oral hygiene can even affect the functionality of your treatments, including braces. Here are some tips for overcoming bad oral hygiene with clean braces:
– Various products such as fruits and nuts can easily get stuck between your teeth and braces, so try to avoid sticky and chewy substances while receiving orthodontic treatments such as braces.
– Never partake in high-risk activities or sports without first making sure you are correctly wearing the essential amount of safety gear and equipment to keep your smile safe.
– Never leave your retainer in too long as it can become contaminated with bacteria, so be sure to wash it at least once per week.
– Should the worst happen and you accidentally break your braces, do not attempt to repair them on your own, as damage to your teeth can occur.
– Never bail on meetings or checkups with your orthodontist.
– Wearing braces should not preclude you from caring for your smile, so continue to brush and floss daily.
Don’t delay in visiting our team at Arizona Orthodontic Centers for an orthodontic exam. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jae Park and our team at our orthodontic office in Phoenix, Arizona, please call us at 623-877-8500. The smile of your dreams is only a visit away!